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发表于 2012-9-18 12:55:00 |显示全部楼层

Russian-Iranian multilateral settlement of the Ira

Russian President Medvedev and President of Iran Ahmadinejad 17,louboutin,中国海监将强化管辖海疆按期维权巡航执法 
"Macroeconomic indicators show that China's economic and social development is in good shape," Wen said when addressing the opening ceremony of the Summer Davos Forum in northern China's port city of Tianjin yesterday., phone,jordan shoes,亚太反洗钱组织会议在印度召开    
"Macroeconomic indicators show that China's economic and social development is in good shape," Wen said when addressing the opening ceremony of the Summer Davos Forum in northern China's port city of Tianjin yesterday., will continue to seek multilateral form to resolve the nuclear issue of Iran agreement.The Tass News Agency reported on the evening of 17,air jordan, both in a telephone conversation on the Russo-Iranian relations development issue,burberry, emphasize will continue to develop the two countries in various areas of cooperation,burberry soldes, particularly in the field of nuclear energy cooperation,hogan, including in Iran cloth Scher nuclear power station cooperation.
The two leaders stressed,mercurial,2010年上海世界博览会总结表彰大会在北京举行
"Macroeconomic indicators show that China's economic and social development is in good shape," Wen said when addressing the opening ceremony of the Summer Davos Forum in northern China's port city of Tianjin yesterday., will be in Istanbul on the Iranian nuclear issue,louboutin pas cher, the talks have important sense,supra, and will continue to look for a multilateral agreement form for resolving the Iranian nuclear issue.

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