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Flowers, Red, but that 'Red flowers Buguoruci









Rank: 1

发表于 2013-6-5 17:24:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 wuxierquan 于 2013-6-5 18:19 编辑

After Xie Ronghua, the best of a seat Zhisan landing. Fine, dancing cool, sprinkle with these tears weeping rain.
At the moment, I laugh in tears. Circulation fingertips, crystal-like deep understanding, but how salty Dead Sea like silence.
Looking back the past, look busy and exhausted, 手部白癜风发病时有什么症状 http://bdf.qqyy.com/bdfzz/2982.html ebb and flow. Forgot to wear violet blooming flowers withered, look tired worldly strife Red fan interference.
Horizon Yunjuanyunshu, flowers bloom again, the road is full of the world.
All of a sudden, after all, understand that fleeting but is a breath of overnight thing. Fame, will eventually be like quicksand rights generally being buried in history.
Leaving only the descendants of the dinner conversation Bale.
Why this quest, why desperately chase?
That way in the years lost many precious.白癜风会有遗传吗 http://bdf.qqyy.com/bdfwh/2983.html So I packed up. Boating on the blue, looking for the next destination.
Bridges people, looked up, the curl of smoke-filled, light dancing was so enchanting, never had the truth.
Standing bow, wind shirts dance, booze Doukan, worldly strife are insulated with me.
Suddenly in front of an open, suddenly.
Sadly lamented Li Bai "Life is proud to be thoroughly enjoyed themselves, let a Jinzun air-to-month" uninhibited original ancients had worldly things will be clear in mind.
Red flowers, just so.

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